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Celebrating Christmas


Lyrics in Italian
Lyrics in English

Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle

Tu scendi dalle stelle, o Re del cielo,
e vieni in una grotta al freddo e al gelo.
O Bambino mio divino,
io ti vedo qui a tremar;
o Dio beato !
Ah, quanto ti costò l'avermi amato !

A te, che sei del mondo il Creatore,
non danno panni e fuoco, o mio Signore.
Caro eletto pargoletto,
quanto questa povertà
più m'innamora,
giacché ti fece amor povero ancora.

You Come down from the Stars

You come down from the stars, O King of heaven,
and come in a cave in the cold and frost.
O my Divine Child,
I see you here shivering;
O blessed God!
Ah, it cost me a lot loved you!

To thee, who are the Creator of the world,
nobody  gives you clothes and fire, O my Lord.
Dear elected infant,
As this poverty
makes me love
since it made you love still poor.



Antiopi and her 1st grader students have prepared a PowerPoint presentation: How to make a Christmas star. Upload and try.

Rossetta and her students give you instructions, How to make a pop-up Christmas card - PowerPoint presentation. It looks very nice and easy!

How to decorate the classroom. Greek Christmas cookies. Everyhting in one Greek Christmas - PowerPoint presentation.





Preschool pupils from Karppi school sing a song about elves: An Elf Weighs Twelve Pounds which is approximately 5,44 kg - video clip.

Little Elf in Trouble - modern Finnish Christmas song - video clip.

Silent night - Jouluyö - pupils from Karppi school sing this carol in Finnish - video clip.

christmas carol



Przybiezeli do Betlejem - traditional Polish Christmas carol - video clip.

Silent night - Cicha Noc - sung by Polish pupils in Polish - video clip.

Polish Christmas customs - flash game - click and play.


Czech Republic

Rolnicky - Jingle Bells - sung by Czech pupils in Czech - video clip.

Štedrý vecer nastal (The Christams evening is set) - a Czech national Xmas song - video clip.

Silent night - Ticha Noc - sung by Czech pupils in Czech - video clip.



Jingle Bells- sung by Turkish pupils in English - video clip.

New Year Song from Turkey - students from Konya singa local song in Turkish.

