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Meeting in Finland

Time Activity Photo

Monday 17th May

First delegates arrive (Turkey and England)
Tuesday 18th May

Dinner at our teachers' homes (Liisa's and Manu's) at 19.00

Liisa's home
Wednesday 19th May Welcome celebrations at school hall at 9.00 am: songs, presentations, presents
Wednesday 19th May Meeting pupils and visiting classes, tour around the school
Wednesday 19th May Lunch at the school canteen at 11.00 am
Wednesday 19th May

Pupils' art exhibition - opening at 12.00 am: pupils' paintings, comics, dance, artefacts etc.

Wednesday 19th May Project meeting at 13.00 - 15.30
Wednesday 19th May Welcome dinner at Orivesi College of Arts at 19.00
Thursday 20th May Visit at Päilahti village school at 9.00 am
Thursday 20th May Visit at Eräjärvi village school at 10.00 am
Thursday 20th May Visit at pupils' Finnish baseball tournament
Thursday 20th May Meeting with the Mayor at town hall and visit at the library
Thursday 20th May Project meeting at 12.30 - 15.30 and moodle training at ICT classroom
Thursday 20th May

Evening at a summer cottage by the lake, sauna, swimming, baths, buffet supper, barbeque

Friday 21st May Meeting the pupils and teachers again at our school
Friday 21st May Trip to Tampere: Näsinneula observation tower
Friday 21st May Pyynikki ridge and old town of Pispala
Friday 21st May

Visit at the house of the Director of Education

Friday 21st May Dinner at Harald's restaurant at the centre of Tampere
